Hearing Lab
Welcome to the web site for the Hearing Lab in the Department
of Cognitive Science at UC Irvine.
Our research goal is to contribute to
the understanding of the perception of complex sounds by humans.
The primary research tools we employ are psychophysical methods
and computational models.
At present our research focus includes informational masking and
the perceptual organization of complex sounds. Informational masking
is a general term often used to capture the fact that stimulus uncertainty
leads to substantial reductions in observers' ability to make judgments
regarding complex sounds. Recent experiments have focused on providing
general models against which human data can be compared, and examining
the ways in which stimulus manipulations can be applied to reduce
informational masking. Our work in the field of the perceptual organization
of complex sounds is just beginning, and at present we are estimating
a general linear model applied to the detection of a continuous
sound stream presented against a background of multiple tone pips

University of California
184 Social Science Lab
Irvine, CA 92697-5100
