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Rong (Rose) Huang


University of California, Los Angels 2008-
College Counseling Certificate

University of Pennsylvania 2003-2005
Management Program, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania

Saint Joseph's University 1999-2001
Computer Science, M.S

Jiang Xi University, P R of China 1988-1992
Economics & Business Management, B.A

Research Interests

Auditory perception; informational masking, sound segregation

Publications and conference presentations

Published Papers:

Cao, X., Huang, R., and Richards, V.M.(2009). Sequential Effects on the Detectability of a Tone Added to a Multi-Tone Masker. J. Acoust. Soc. Am.-EL, 125, EL20-EL25.

Huang, R. and Richards, V.M. (2008) "Estimates of internal templates for the detection of sequential tonal patterns," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, (In press)

Kidd, G J. Richards, V.M. Mason, C.R. Gallun, F.J. Huang, R. (2008) "Informational masking increases the costs of monitoring multiple channels," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, (In press)

Huang, R. and Richards, V.M. (2006) "Coherence detection: Effects of frequency, frequency uncertainty, and onset/offset delays," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 2298-2304.

Richards, V.M. Huang, R. and Kidd, G. J. (2004) "Masker-first advantage for cues in informational masking," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116, 2281-2288.

Conference Abstracts

Richards, V.M., Shub, D.E., Huang, R. (2009). Detection in the presence of continuous vs. pulsed random maskers, 30th MidWinter meeting of Association for Research in Otolaryngology

Kidd, G J., Richards, V.M., Mason, C.R., Gallun, F.J., Huang, R. (2006) "Simultaneous Two-Channel Signal Detection, Revisited", 29th MidWinter meeting of Association for Research in Otolaryngology

Huang, R. and Richards, V.M. (2005) "Effects of signal frequency uncertainty for random multi-burst maskers," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117, 2537. 149th meeting of Acoustical Society of America

Richards, V.M. Huang, R. and Kidd G. J. (2004) "Differential effectiveness of cues in informational masking studies," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115, 2386. 146th meeting of Acoustical Society of America

Richards, V.M.and Huang, R. (2003) "Criteria Placement in staircase procedures," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113, 2287. 145th meeting of Acoustical Society of America

Other training and experiences:

Centennial Cultural & Educational Service, Founder (2008-)

Young leaders Program, United Way, Southest Region of Pennsylvania (2005)

Board Director, Children's Village, Philadelphia, (2003-present)

President, Chinese Students & Scholars Association at University of Pennsylvania, (2003-2005)


Rong Huang

Rong (Rose) Huang
Research Specialist
Department of Psychology
University of Pennsylvania

3401 Walnut Street 318C
Philadelphia, PA, 19104

215.898.4587 (phone)
rongh at psych dot upenn dot edu


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Hearing Lab
Last update: 18 February, 2009

Penn Richards Lab